Shalom means peace but Israeli's use it to say hello and goodbye
I flew to Jerusalem Israel located in Asia with Carly's grandparents. It took eleven hours to fly here from Atlanta, Georgia. Today was my first outing and we went to the Jewish Market. There are some supermarkets here (smaller than in America and not as many choices) but many people shop in the markets for fresh foods.Here, the prices are in Shekels (one Shekel is worth about 25 cents) per kilogram (one kilogram is a little over 2 pounds).
Israel was once desert and swamp land. But now the Jewish people use modern irrigation methods and grow many types of fruit and vegetables. They sell a lot of fruit, vegetables, and flowers to Europe.
Do you like fresh fish?
Shopping for Spices
More Spices
Want some dates or almonds? Yummmy!!
Who wants dessert?
Did you notice that all the food is out in the open? Nothing is wrapped. Not very sanitary but oh so very good. I am going to get fat if I don't stay away from the desserts!
I'll be looking forward to wrting to you again from Israel.