Sunday, September 20, 2009

Field Trip to the Zoo

Shalom Carly and friends and a special Shalom to Ben!

This week I went on a field trip to the Biblical Zoo, The Tisch Family Zoo in Jerusalem.  I wish you could have all gone with me!  We took the city bus to get there and I thought that was fun.

I loved seeing all the animals.  It was a beautiful day too.  There were animals there that are native to Israel as well as some that used to live here.  There were also animals from other parts of the world.  My favorites were the monkeys and giraffes.  See what you think...


These animals live in Israel today:




These animals used to live in Israel.



These animals came from other parts of the world and were gifts to the zoo.  How many of them can you name?

This one you may not guess... but I will tell you what he is at the end of my blog.

I don't know what this is, but he was very pretty and let me get really close to him.


There was even a model of Noah's Ark from the Bible at the zoo.

I am having a lot of fun with Carly's grandparents in Israel.  I hope all of you get to go to the zoo this year.  Maybe you can take me to Lowry Park Zoo when I come home and we can have fun together!

Our mystery animal is a Red Panda.  Did anyone guess that?

Shalom from Israel,
Stanley - the flat one