Thursday, September 17, 2009

David's City in Jerusalem, Israel

Hey Carly and Friends!

 Meet my Jewish Guide, Missy
This has been a very busy week for all of us.  Carly's Grandparents took me to see the city of David in Jerusalem last Sunday.  King David (King of Israel 3000 years ago) built this city.  It is in ruins today and the archeologists have been digging it out so they could see what it was like.  Pretty much you see piles of stones made into walls.  The tour guide explained what we were looking at.  She said they learned a lot from stuff they found while digging.  So if Tampa got buried and one of you had left a candy bar wrapper on the ground, they would know what people ate, what it was made of and if it had a date on the wrapper - when it was made.  This is how they learned what happened in David's City 3000 years ago.  Can you believe looking at something so old?

This is the view of David's city today

And this is what David's City looked like when King David lived here.

This is what a house in David's City would have looked like 3000 years ago.

This is what it looks like today!

and aren't you glad you don't have to go to the bathroom on this?  OUCH!

Jerusalem has grown around the city of David so it is now a large city with as many people as Tampa.

Then we did something really neat.  When they built cities back then they looked for a  place they could protect (this city is on a large hill) and water.  Water is scarce in Israel.  We all need water to drink and to wash.  They found the Gihon Spring in the valley so they built the city on top of the hill and the water was at the bottom.  They built walls around the city and the people were safe inside.  But if the city was attacked, the people couldn't get the water because it was at the bottom of the hill, outside the wall.  So 300 years later they built a tunnel from the spring to a pool inside the city of David.  The men dug it out from both ends and met in the middle.  There was no construction equipment, no bulldozers so they dug it out with an axe by hand.  It is a long tunnel 1750 feet long.

We are getting ready to go into the tunnel

Now here is where the fun comes in - we went through that tunnel which is 2700 years old and the water still goes through it.  Carly, I know you love water- ME TOO!  I'll bet all your friends do.  We got in the water and walked through the tunnel.  The water was cold but it felt soooo good because it was hot outside.  The water came to the top of our legs sometimes.  I guess it could get as high as the waist of you and your friends.  Sometimes we had to duck our heads because that part was lower.  I loved it.  Your Grammy carried me so that I would not get wet!


Grammy did let me get my feet wet!  Yaaaay Grammy!!!

Shalom from Israel.  Do you remember what that means?  Peace - the Israeli hello and goodbye.  Love you and miss you, Stanley