Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can You Spell Borrrrrriiiinnng?

Dear Carly and Friends!

Carly's grandparents took me on a very boring trip to the Israel Botanical Gardens in Jerusalem.  I mean how much fun would you have walking through a huge garden looking at flowers?

Well, it was OK...

I am standing on a Papyrus plant.
In ancient Egypt they used a plant like this to make paper! 

We saw lots of flowers and a really cool waterfall.

I hope you enjoyed the Botanical Garden more than I did!
 After wards we went to the Bible Lands Museum and that was really cool.  We saw lots of artifacts from Israel during the times of the Bible.  Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures so you will have to take my word for it.

Carly's grandparents promised me that our next outing would be more fun... we shall see!

Shalom from Israel, Stanley